Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Letter to the Editor


Bill Cowles “How to conquer a people” letter (Sept. 2) had a particular poignant paragraph, “The liberals can vote us into socialism, but us patriots will have to shoot our way out of it.”

It made me think of the last days of Germany’s 3rd Reich’s National Socialism. The old WWII newsreels showed Hitler out of the bunker patting the cheeks of very young, uninformed boys being sent off into the MAW of the invading Russian communists. These young patriots were, as Mr. Cowles points out, going to “shoot their way out”.

In the early 1960’s, a West German delegation visited Wenatchee High School. They were polite, intelligent, and persuasive. They were recruiting students to come to Germany for jobs and skill training. Good pay, good benefits, good education. Hitler’s elderly, not just boys, did not successfully shoot their way out, as the presence of West German recruiters at Wenatchee High School could attest to. We were being recruited to fill Germany’s lost generations.

If Mr. Cowles had attended that Wenatchee High School assembly with me, it would have been interesting to get his take.

Joe Bissonnette



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